Your points of sale come to life

Your points of sale come to life
At the market on Wednesday and Saturday and at the farm the other days? On Mimelis, your points of sale are boosted and your products are made known to your customers.

Share and publicize your core business

The best jobs are often the least known. Let the entire Mimelis community know about your activity. You have the opportunity to reveal your products and your know-how to a public sensitive to quality products. Regardless of the location of your point of sale in Switzerland, discover your passion.

Make your products and point of sale visible

The platform allows you to sell your products directly from your consumers but not only. It is also a unique way to reveal your products for each of your points of sale. A very effective tool to encourage your customers to come and see you. Indeed, what is more interesting for a customer than to know what he will be able to find at your place before even being there? Mimelis also allows you to attract customers who don't know you yet, but who are interested in the type of products you sell.

mountain road in switzerland

Capture your customers by telling them where your products are

Depending on the structure and size of your operation, it is common to sell your products directly to different locations, different places. Wednesday and Saturday at the market and the other days directly on your farm for example. Conversely, for your customers, it can quickly become very complicated to know where to find your products and especially when. Customers in a hurry will even end up, by default, falling back on other products.

The opportunity to build strong relationships with your customers

What better way to get to know your customers than by giving them your products yourself? When customers arrive at your home after having already booked and paid for their order, it's a real moment of conviviality that sets in. It can also be an opportunity to learn more about their expectations and get feedback on your products and activities.

Some information has been translated. Click on the link to view the original version .

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