Promote your store on Mimelis

In this region, we promote
producers, artisans and creators
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Cost of starting and maintaining the Mimelis turnkey sales solution
Autonomy, you set your prices and maximize your income as you wish!
Swiss producers and artisans promoted on the Mimelis platform

The Mimelis charter

We attach great importance to the producers, craftsmen and farms that we promote on our platform. Mimelis members must follow the procedure below.

I sell products from my farm or being the fruit of my craftsmanship

I have a know-how that I want to highlight and share with my customers through products from my own manufacture.

I give a lot of love to my products and my raw materials

My craftsmanship or my operation is transparent about the raw materials used. We take care to source local ingredients whenever possible. We value our know-how in order to provide our customers with high quality products.

I am turned towards fairer trade

My craft or my operation promotes direct sales. It avoids intermediaries as much as possible so that the consumer can pay a fair price. Working with short and transparent circuits is one of our priorities.

I subscribe to a sustainable and ecological approach

My craftsmanship or my exploitation is turned towards the future and applies production methods respectful of my environment. I am sensitive to the ecological footprint of my farm and my production choices.

Join us now
Mimelis members have access to all of the following features.

Keep control over your image

Fully drive your image, whenever you want
Support yourself with our application to simplify your management
Update your information as you do business
Mimelis broadcasts your image in real time

Shape your farm profile

Present and promote your activity
Show your customers photos of your activity and show them your know-how
Indicate your production labels

Show the products you sell by point of sale

Manage the products or types of products you sell
Configure the pickup location
Add different products per point of sale

A modern and state-of-the-art presence throughout Switzerland

A modern and cutting-edge image for your products, even on mobile
Translation of your content into 4 languages
Be found based on particular products
Shine throughout Switzerland

Our team takes care of you

Advice and optimization of your content
You automatically benefit from new features
We assist you at any time with a dedicated support channel
Quick upload
free for 1 point of sale
Become visible!
Mimelis brings you closer to your customers by allowing them to find you on several criteria
Your name
Your products and your fields of activity
The locations of your points of sale
Your proximity to other producers

Multifaceted points of sale.

Do you want to promote...

The fruit of your craftsmanship

You have unique know-how and offer your products for direct sale. Let them know.

Market in town or on the farm

You wish to indicate the presence of your products and your stand within a market on the farm or in town.

Self-service pickup point, vending machines

You have a room offering self-service sales and want to make it known.


Your farm allows U-pick. Open your orchard to your customers. Share your openings and products.

Direct sale by appointment

You only open on certain time slots and are flexible for your customers.

Baskets by subscription

You propose baskets and compositions of products via subscriptions to be picked up on site.

Experiences on the farm or in your operation

You share your know-how and your activity with your customers by offering them fun experiences.

Preparation on demand

Some of your products require special organization and preparation. You only prepare them to order.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about becoming a member of Mimelis.

  • Am I obligated to sell products when I become a member?
    No, becoming a member does not entail any obligation to sell products. When you choose to sell your products, you will then need to create a seller account. If you want your products directly, then choose to open a seller account.
  • What should I do next to sell my products on Mimelis, is it free?
    There are no additional fees to become a seller. We will simply request additional information to be able to make payments to your bank account. You can also, of course, keep all the information you have already configured (points of sale, products, etc.). You can consult the conditions of sale on the - Sell on Mimelis - page.
  • Become a member, create a seller account, what is the difference?
    Mimelis is above all the platform that brings together the largest number of direct sales outlets in Switzerland and we do not intend to change this. Whether or not you are interested in selling, all direct sales outlets are welcome! You can first choose to sell your products by opening a seller account for free. If you don't want to sell at this time, you can simply become a member. In both cases you will benefit from all the research power of Mimelis!

Do you have other questions or want more information? Do not hesitate to contact us.

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