Establishment of a partnership and solutions adapted to your company

Mimelis is committed to an active and dynamic approach to support producers, artisans and creators. We also establish partnerships with any actor who shares our values, such as associations or labels.

  • Promoting a label or a mode of consumption

    Promote your label through our platform. We will be happy to study how to highlight your values.

    For associations and labels
    Mimelis partnership - partner.label.title
  • Association

    Surround yourself with effective tools to sell your products. We will help you and adapt to your needs.

    For associations and non-profit organizations
    Mimelis partnership - partner.association.title
  • Young company

    Let's build and solve some of your constraints together. We are aware of the difficulties to be solved for young companies and we will help you.

    For young companies
    Mimelis partnership - partner.startup.title
  • Special solutions

    Build your solution of tomorrow with us. You are a large company, you have specific constraints? Through a partnership or not, let's work together.

    For well-established businesses
    Mimelis partnership - partner.custom.title

There are 1001 ways to support producers, artisans and creators. Similarly, there are multiple ways to partner with your business. Submit your project to us!

frequently asked Questions

Here you will find answers relating to the functioning of a partnership with Mimelis

  • How does a partnership with Mimelis work?
    You can first become a partner by simply creating your seller account to sell your products or to promote them. We also propose to establish a partnership where we will actively associate with you in order to achieve a common objective.
  • How does pricing work?
    Pricing differs depending on whether or not you sell products. When you simply promote your establishment without selling products there, it is free for your first point of sale. You can find the pricing that applies when you sell products on the "vendor" page. During specific partnerships, the conditions are studied on a case-by-case basis with you.
  • How long does it take to become a partner?
    The registration time is very fast. It is possible to become a Mimelis partner and accept your first orders, or promote your products, during the day. For more specific partnerships, we study each request carefully and we answer you quickly in order to start with you as soon as possible.
  • Is each partnership paid?
    We establish partnerships adapted to each actor and according to the common objectives to be solved. For example, we will adopt a mode of operation and specific pricing for associations or young companies. Some partnerships do not mobilize any particular financial resources and are based on an exchange of services.

Do you have other questions or want more information? Do not hesitate to contact us.

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