Direct sales, simple, effective

Direct sales, simple, effective
Pick-your-own, at the market, on the farm, self-service or by appointment: there are a multitude of ways to sell directly. Come and discover how a sale takes place at Mimelis!

I identify certain products or a set of products

Your customers will prefer to come to you to get multiple items and save their time and travel. You can create offers offering specific products: spelled bread, yellow zucchini or yogurt, but not only. Do not hesitate to offer sets of products, such as a basket of vegetables for the week, or an assortment of dairy products.

Choose products and stocks that you can dedicate to direct sales with Mimelis. It can be part of your stock that you already sell on site, but also products that you want to sell only on Mimelis.

I add my product offer on Mimelis

Putting a product offer online on Mimelis only takes a few seconds. So you can add or remove products on sale throughout the day: your customers can be informed directly and instantly. A photo, a description, your selling price, and let's go!

Once the products are reserved and purchased by your customer, they must be available and ready when he comes to pick them up. It is a guarantee of satisfaction and confidence for a successful sale!

bag of plants

I choose a time slot

The withdrawal of the product on a well-defined time slot is very practical for the consumer, he can thus organize himself to withdraw his order. Time slots are also very useful for you. Indeed, they allow you to organize so that order withdrawals are made at the times of the day or week that suit you the most. Moreover, they are the source of a successful organization of the day. For example, you can accumulate orders all day and prepare them only at the end of the day, over a window of a few hours, for their collection by your customers.

The fine management of your withdrawal time slots offered by Mimelis is also the possibility of better allocating the tasks to be done by you and your staff during the day.

I prepare orders and deliver them directly to my customers

You automatically receive a notification as soon as your customers book and buy your products. You can then prepare the orders whenever you want: as the day progresses or just before the withdrawal window. You choose!

When the customer arrives on site at the time slot of your choice, all you have to do is check his collection code which validates that the order has been paid for. That's all ! You can hand over your wonderful products to your customers.

No logistics related to the transport of your products, no over-packaging, no intermediary. Deliver your products to your customers. Simply.

Administer your orders

I automatically receive the sales balance on my bank account

As soon as a sale occurs, the amount is paid into your seller account. You can accurately track your sales balance at all times.

Periodically and automatically, your bank account is credited with the balance of your seller account. It is also an opportunity to get rid of an intermediary such as a credit card provider.


Here you can find the other advantages of selling directly with Mimelis .

Some information has been translated. Click on the link to view the original version .

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