Preserving the richness of our products

Mimelis is a platform for the direct sale of products between producers and consumers across Switzerland. Highlighting small artisanal productions and promoting the know-how of our craftsmen is our priority.

It is also a new way of once again giving full orders to the producer, promoting and making its products accessible to consumers who are looking for them.

We intend to preserve the human aspect of commerce. We promote the direct sale of products. We believe that the producer should not disappear and fade in the sale of his own products. Thus, if he can hand them over to his customers, telling the story of their manufacture, is even better!

In this era where technologies are more and more present in our surroundings, we consider that they can be put at the service of fairer and more responsible consumption. Via our platform, we intend to fill the last gaps that may remain in direct sales.

  • How Mimelis works

    Our platform brings together authentic products from artisans and producers throughout Switzerland. It allows producers to produce what they love and consumers to find what they are looking for.

  • Sell the exceptional

    With low commissions, powerful tools and dedicated support, we help producers develop a new way to distribute their products directly. Do you want to sell on Mimelis? It's free and very fast to make your first products available to your customers.

  • Buy the exceptional

    Thanks to our search tools, we browse all the unique and atypical products offered around your home. Sometimes unexpected, sometimes unattainable, your ethical and fantastic products can be booked directly on Mimelis.

  • Buy with confidence

    We provide all the technology and security you need to get products from your favorite producers directly to you. We are always there when needed to assist you in your quest for extraordinary products.

  • Delivery or collection from the producer?

    At Mimelis, products go from the hands of the producer to yours, without any intermediary. This allows the producer to have total control over his prices and his organization. You thus have access to unique product qualities. You can choose to collect the products from the producer or have them delivered to your home.

  • How can you be sure that a product is still available from the producer?

    All the products on Mimelis are updated in real time. When ordering, the products are automatically reserved for you. You are therefore guaranteed to be able to collect your products on the time slot that you have chosen.

  • How to sell on Mimelis?

    Are you a craftsman or a producer? All you need to do is create your artisan account. The products you add will then be available online in real time according to their stock.

  • I am ready to buy. Where to start ?

    To join the Mimelis community, all you need to do is create an account. You can then instantly book the products of your choice.

Join the community and all producers. You will also find our latest news.

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