The remuneration of producers and artisans at Mimelis

The remuneration of producers and artisans at Mimelis
Find out how the remuneration of producers and artisans works, how prices are set and how the price paid for an order is distributed.

How are prices set at Mimelis?

It all starts with the producer or craftsman who sets his price. Each producer chooses a Mimelis plan. With the Business plan, for each sale, 90% of the price paid goes directly to the Producer (excluding fixed payment costs), approximately 6% is used to compensate Mimelis, approximately 4% + 0.50 CHF is dedicated processing payments and technical fees.

Mimelis Plan V2

On an order of 100 CHF

89.50 CHF goes directly to the Producer or Craftsman

6 CHF pays Mimelis

4.50 CHF allows payment processing

To simplify understanding, prices are expressed excluding taxes. Standard VAT is applied to Mimelis remuneration and payment processing fees.

Some information has been translated. Click on the link to view the original version .

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