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Fries and butternut chips

Fries and butternut chips
The recipe for cooking your squash and butternuts freshly collected from your direct sales outlets. In fries or crisps, it's perfect for an aperitif!
Fries and butternut chips | Mimelis
Preparation time
1 minute
Cooking time
30 minutes

The recipe for cooking your squash and butternuts freshly collected from your direct sales outlets. Butternut meat is particularly suitable for making excellent oven fries.

The butternut crisps and fries will have a little salty / sweet taste for your appetizers. If you prefer a less pronounced but drier and crunchier taste, choose the crisps, otherwise for more flavor go with fries!

To vary the pleasures, do not hesitate to flavor with saffron or other spices.


Peel the squash and cut it in half. Remove the pumpkin seeds. Don't forget that you can roast them in the oven and use them like sunflower seeds.
Depending on whether you want crisps or fries, cut the squash more or less finely. For crisps, use a peeler to make beautiful thin strips until you get curls. If you opt for fries, cut slices of about 5mm by 2cm.
Place everything on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake your fries in an oven at 150°C for about 30 minutes. Wait for the fries and crisps to dry out a bit.
6 personnes


Spice mix:
4 pincées
Use whatever spice mix you like.
Some information has been translated. Click on the link to view the original version .

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