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How to easily search and find Swiss producers on Mimelis?

How to easily search and find Swiss producers on Mimelis?
Are you looking for a baker who sells good artisan bread, a brewer who sells great dark beers, a farm that sells firewood or even a farm to buy your seedlings in May, all this near you and in production? Organic if possible...

Are you looking for a baker who sells good artisan bread, a brewer who sells great dark beers, a farm that sells firewood or even a farm to buy your seedlings in May, all this near you and in production? Organic if possible… The filters and the search bar allow you to search according to all your desires!


What are the filters for on Mimelis?

Mimelis references thousands of producers in Switzerland who practice direct sales. The filters therefore make your life easier and allow you to find nuggets throughout Switzerland according to your preferences. Every corner of Switzerland is full of super producers who are just waiting to be known!


The search bar to find everything!

To help you quickly access the producer or the products you are looking for, Mimelis offers you an intelligent search. Here are examples of keywords you can enter:

  • Towns or cantons from all over Switzerland: “Fribourg”, “Carouge”, “Lausanne”, “Neuchâtel”, “Geneva”,… All local producers will be presented.
  • Names of producers and artisans: “Sapalet”, “Ferme Jaggi”, “Moulins des sens”. You can thus directly access the page of your producer and see the products for direct sale.
  • Types of products: “Dairy products”, “Fruit juice”, “Plants”, “Horse riding”, “Wood”, etc.
  • Ingredients or specific products: "Chestnuts", "Yellow courgettes", "Apple juice", "chimney wood", "Raspberries", "Plantons", "Cabri meat"... You will be able to see the producers who sell the type of chosen product.

Quick and advanced filters, what are they for?

When you want to see only certain producers, you can use the quick filters. For example, very quickly you can filter your results to display only organic products or only see producers with direct sales in progress.

From the advanced filters popup, you can add additional filters to your search. You will be able to display only certain production labels, or display only certain categories of products during your search.

 Producer with direct sales in town.

How do I find producers near me?

Think about it, when you select a city in the search bar, producers will be ranked according to their proximity to you or to the city you have chosen. You can thus very easily discover the producers who would be very close to your home, or the city where you went for the weekend!


The producer map

Don't forget, when you move on the map, we show you the producers present in the visible area. Some areas of Switzerland reference many producers, you can zoom in or zoom out to see other producers corresponding to your search.

 Farmhouse for direct sale in the mountains.

Tip: add and find your favorite producers later!

During your research, you can add the producers you like to your favourites. For example, when you have found a craftsman who sells products that interest you, add him to your favorites, so you can follow the products he will put up for direct sale.

You will be able to keep up to date with all the good plans around your home!

Some information has been translated. Click on the link to view the original version .

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