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Pick your own products directly from the producer's field! Isn't that reconnecting with nature? This method of picking is booming. You most certainly have a producer around you!

1,2,3… here we go!

The consumer goes to the producer and finds out about the picking method in force. He gathers all the information about what he can gather and how to do it. Ideally, it comes directly with its own containers. The producer can also directly offer containers – templates to be used during picking. The consumer can thus know in advance how much 3 punnets of strawberries will cost him. Harvest!

U-pick at the strawberry farm

In the case of pick-your-own with Mimelis, the consumer can find out online about the fruits and vegetables available for pick-your-own around his home. He orders and pays for his products to the producer. He thus obtains the right to pick up a certain quantity of fruit and vegetables on the spot. Let's go for the picking!


Self-picking was still marginal a few years ago. Currently, this principle of picking is much more widespread than one might think. Surely you have a farm near you that practices this method of harvesting.

The short circuit... the shortest

Self-picking provides real traceability of the products you pick up. It is undeniably the shortest circuit that can be made between the producer and the consumer.

self picking at the carrot farm

By picking the fruit and vegetables themselves from the grower's field, the consumer can get a real insight into the growing conditions that the grower applies. The consumer has the opportunity to establish a different relationship with his producer, to understand how he works and to know his production choices: in a traditional sales circuit, this is quite simply impossible!

Back to nature

Self-picking is also a return to basics, a return to nature and the earth. The consumer reconnects with what he really eats.

Harvesting your own fruits and vegetables can also be an opportunity for a great family outing. This is a very fun and educational activity for children!

For those who are new to self-picking, you are not limited to picking carrots or cabbage. The producers can also offer you, depending on their plantation, walnuts, hazelnuts or chestnuts. For the latter, picking is often done in chestnut groves. In Switzerland, the harvest season usually takes place around October.

Self-picking at the chestnut producer in the canton of Vaud

Don't wait any longer and go with Mimelis to discover the market gardeners who practice this method of cultivation around your home!

Some information has been translated. Click on the link to view the original version .

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