Savon Calendula

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Route du Seyon 19
Val-de-Ruz, Neuchâtel
  • Choose the pick-up time that suits you best now.
  • Order ready to go. However, you can bring your own bag.
  • The price is set directly by the producer.
  • 2.8 kg more
Soap factory
As a mother of four children, I was introduced to Grandma's remedies and Auntie's natural store with its essential oils from a very early age. I always knew that I would work in the health care industry without suspecting that life had another path in store for me. Fascinated also by mysticism, energies, esotericism, I have trained over the years: Master Reiki teacher and initiator: Reflexology, Access Bars, Radiesthesia, Learning oracles, Pendulum, Mastering the power of essential oils. After more than 35 years of work in homes and hospitals, including more than 16 years in home care, I have developed various useful skills. But I was missing a little more in my life ... To become independent and make my own soaps with the opportunity to open a soap factory to share my know-how. For this, I acted accordingly by starting a new certification as a soap maker. By chance, I found a large new building on 2 floors, not far from my home and here I am in my soap factory. Welcome to QuinteSens, your soap factory and care center in Val-de-Ruz.