Getting started with Mimelis

New customers now within your reach

Limited offer

Appear now on Mimelis for the point of sale of your choice for free.
We will update certain information of your operation for a point of sale of your choice.
In particular, we will update in this offer: the name of your point of sale, address, several categories of products that you sell. But also a small presentation as well as photos of your farm.
We will contact you quickly in case of registration to update this information.
From the official opening, you will have the choice whether or not to keep your point of sale.
This offer is limited. It is without conditions or commitment, and remains completely free until the official opening of Mimelis. Registration is possible at the bottom of the form.
Name of your farm
What are you interested in?
Last name
First name
Contact email
By clicking on Send, I certify that I have the right to represent this exploitation.
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